Engine Overview and Common Failures
The weight of the VAZ 21083 engine according to the catalog is 127 kg. The engine number for the VAZ 21083 is located at the junction of the block and the cylinder head. Common causes of engine overheating are a faulty thermostat, a fan belt failure, and coolant leaks. Unstable operation of the engine is usually caused by a malfunction of one of the components of the contactless ignition system. Start with checking the spark plugs, high-tension wires, and distributor cap. Engine speed fluctuations are often due to the idiosyncrasies of the Solex carburetor. It is possible that one of the jets is clogged or the idle speed control economizer is malfunctioning. Since this engine is prone to detonation, it is important to correctly set the ignition timing and try to use high-quality fuel. Unadjusted valves can also cause loud noise under the hood. Leaks often occur from the oil filter and the valve cover.